Hyperfine Interactions group


Group leader: Dr Božidar Cekić, experimental (TDPAC, Multiple Hydriding /dehydriding kinetics , Mossbauer)

Group members:

Hyperfine interaction group is active under is active under the project 141022 G of Ministry of Science of RS.




A1-Main facility:















A fast-slow coincidence scintillation spectrometer for TDPAC experiment.


A2-Following facility in the Institute:


A3-Misleading f acility - preparation of samples :


A4 - Actual samples in consideration: (Binary and higher order mutual combinations)


B-THEORETICAL, Ab initio approach

( A detailed theoretical study of the structure, electronic properties and the relevant hyperfine interactions parameters of the researched samples )

Determined parameters: The equilibrium volume, bulk moduli, density of states (DOS), band structure, electric field gradients, hyperfine magnetic fields, vibrational frequencies, vertical and adiabatic ionization energies, binding energy




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