Radon and natural radioactivity group


Group leader: Zora S. Žunić

Group members: Igor Čeliković, Predrag Ujić, Luka Dragojlović (volonteer)

Radon and natural radioactivity group is active under the project 141019 B of Ministry of Science of RS.

More detailed about radon group could be found on www.vin.bg.ac.rs/ece

Radon and natural radioactivity group is dealing with measurement of radon and identification of high level natural radioactivity areas. The measurements of radon are conducted mainly by solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTDs). The SSNTDs are etched in laboratory for electrochemical etching (ECE Lab) which is donated by National Institute of radiological Sciences (NIRS), Chiba, Japan. One of the future tasks is to estimate human response to high level natural radioactivity.

Zora S. Žunić and ECE Laboratory has organized two international workshops in 2003 i 2005.

The group participated two European Community projects: INDUWASTE, Management and Remediation of Hazardous Industrial Wastes in the Western Balkan Countries and INTAILRISK, Assessment of Environmental Risk for Use of Radioactively Contaminated Industrial Tailings.



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