Laboratory for nuclear and plasma physics (011)


As a center for nuclear physics research the Institute for Nuclear Sciences VINČA in Belgrade was founded in January 1948. Its name was Institute for Physics. The Institute name underwent changes from: the Institute for Physics, to the Institute for the Investigation of the Structure of Matter (1950), to the Boris Kidrič Institute of Nuclear Sciences (1953), to arrive to its present name in January, 1992.

From the very beginning the Institute was oriented to fundamental research. Following the predominant interests of the times, nuclear disciplines, both experimental and theoretical, were the first to develop. To support the basic experimental research in nuclear physics, the need for the extension of the research activities to electronics and chemistry was felt. The official decision was made to extend the research activities from physics to electronics, inorganic (radio) chemistry and biology. Thus, the Institute early became and has remained a truly multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research center.

Today, the Institute for Nuclear Sciences VINČA is the largest Serbian research center in sciences and science applications. In the multi-disciplinary environment of the Institute more than 400 academic staff and graduate students work on problems in experimental and theoretical physics, chemistry and physics of materials, organic and physical chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology and environmental research.

Building No37. In this building the history of the Institute started.
Today, in this building the Laboratory for Nuclear and Plasma Physics and Laboratory for Physics are placed.

Therefore, the history of the Institute is the history of the Laboratory for (Nuclear) Physics development. As the oldest, Laboratory for Nuclear and Plasma Physics is the distinguished member of the scientific society in the Institute. Main research activities deal mostly with the Nuclear Spectroscopy, Nuclear Reactions, Hyperfine Interactions, Local Structures and Clusters, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Accelerator Physics, Plasma Physics, Solar Energy, Radiation Detectors, Organic Electronics, Ecology and Sustainable Development. It should be emphasized that strong fundamental research serves as the foundation for applied research development and applications of technological advances that ultimately benefit the economy of the country.

One of the most important facets of the Laboratory for Nuclear and Plasma Physics is the devotion of its research staff to pedagogical activities and by training junior researchers by leading BSc, MSc and PhD.

International cooperation is another recognized feature of the Laboratory. It is very broad and intensive and plays an important role in executing modern scientific research.



Dr Milošević Zoran (tel. 3408-140, e-mail:

Vasić Dragana, (tel. 3408-314, email:



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