Dr. Goran Gligorić - Publications


13. Transition to miscibility in lineary coupled binary Bose-Einstein condensation

Physical Review A 82, 033624 (2010).

G. Gligoric, A. Maluckov, M. Stepic, Lj. Hadžievski, B. Malomed 

12. Interface solitons in one-dimensional locally coupled lattice systems

Physical Review A 82, 033806 (2010).

Lj. Hadžievski, G. Gligoric, A. Maluckov, B. Malomed ,

11. Discrete vortex solitons in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates

Journal of Physics B-Atomic, molecular and optical physics 43, (2010) 055303.

G. Gligoric , A. Maluckov, M. Stepic, Lj. Hadžievski, B. Malomed

10. Two-dimensional discrete solitons in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates

Physical Review A 81, (2010) 013633.

G. Gligoric , A. Maluckov, M. Stepic, Lj. Hadžievski, B. Malomed

9. Modulation instability of two-dimensional dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate in a deep optical lattice

Acta Physica Polonica A Vol. 116, No.4, pp. 519-521 (2009).

A . Wöllert , G . Gligori c , M . M . Škoric, A. Maluckov, N. Raicevic, A. Danicic, Lj. Hadžievski

8. Two routes to the one-dimensional discrete nonpolynomial Schrödinger equation

Chaos Vol. 19, Issue 4 (2009) 043105.

G. Gligoric , A. Maluckov, L. Salasnich, B. Malomed, Lj. Hadžievski

7. Collapse instability of solitons in the nonpolynomial Schrodinger equation with dipole-dipole interactions

Journal of Physics B-Atomic, molecular and optical physics 42, Issue 14 (2009) 145302.

G. Gligoric , A. Maluckov, Lj. Hadžievski, B. Malomed

6. Soliton stability and collapse in the discrete nonpolynomial Schrodinger equation with dipole-dipole interactions

Physical Review A 79, Issue 5 (2009) 053609.

G. Gligoric , A. Maluckov, Lj. Hadžievski, B. Malomed

5. Bright solitons in the one-dimensional discrete Gross-Pitaevskii equation with dipole-dipole interactions
Phys. Rev. A 78, 063615 (2008).

G.Gligorić, A. Maluckov, Lj. Hadžievski, B. Malomed

4. Inelastic energy losses of He+ ions singly scattered from polycrystalline chromium
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 256, 86 (2007).

N. Bundaleski, G. Gligorić , N. Ivanovic , Z. Ristić

3. Surface composition and structure of Ni-Cr sputtered coatings exposed in air at room temperature
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 256, 368 (2007)

S. Petrovic, N. Bundaleski, M. Radovic, Z. Ristic, G. Gligoric , D. Peruško, J. Zalar, M. Mitric, Z. Rakocevic

2. Structure and surface composition of NiCr sputtered thin films
Science of Sintering 38, 155 (2006).

S. Petrovic, N. Bundaleski, M. Radovic, Z. Ristic, G. Gligoric , D. Peruško, S. Zec

1. Analysis of the Possibility of Obtaining Super-Paramagnetic Powders Based on Ferrooxides as Percusor by MR Contrast Material Synthesis
Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering 1, 29 (2004).

Ž. Tomic, P. Jovanic, A. Bugarinovic, S. Varadic, A. Maricic, Lj. Vulicevic, G. Gligoric

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Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Atomic Physics Department, Mike Petrovića Alasa 12-14 P.O.Box 522, 11001 Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 2455 451, +381 11 2455 272 Fax: +381 11 80 66 425

University of Belgrade
Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences

Atomic Physics Laboratory

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