Head of the Project Physics and Chemistry with Ion Beams
Research activities:
1. Interaction of Ions with Solids
2. Rainbow Channeling Effect
3. Ion Beam Analysis
3. Dynamics of Ion Beams
Most relevant scientific publications:
1. S. Petrović, M. Ćosić, and N. Nešković, Quantum rainbow channeling of positrons in very short carbon nanotubes, Physical Review A 88, 012902 (2013).
2. M. Erich, S. Petrović, M. Kokkoris, E. Liarokapis, A. Antonakos and I. Telečki, Micro-Raman depth profiling of silicon amorphization induced by high-energy ion channeling implantation, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 44, 496 (2013).
3. M. Motapothula, S. Petrović, N. Nešković, Z. Y. Dang, M. B. H. Breese, M. A. Rana, and A. Osman, Origin of ringlike angular distributions observed in rainbow channeling in ultrathin crystals, Physical Review B 86, 205426 (2012).
4. S. Petrović, N. Nešković, V. Berec, V. and M. Ćosić, Superfocusing of channeled protons and subatomic measurement resolution, Physical Review A 85, 032901 (2012).
5. M. Erić, S. Petrović, M. Kokkoris, A. Lagoyannis, V. Paneta, S. Harissopulos, I. Telečki, Depth profiling of high energy nitrogen ions implanted in the <100>, <110> and randomly oriented silicon crystals, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 274, 87 (2012).
6. N. Nešković, I. Telečki, B. Bojović, and S. Petrović, A square electrostatic rainbow lens: Catastrophic ion beam focusing, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 635, 1 (2011).
7. D. Borkа, S. Petrović and N. Nešković, Channeling of protons through carbon nanotubes, Nova Science Publishers, Series: Nanotechnology Science and Technology, soft cover book, pages 1-78, New York (2011).
8. S. Petrović, M. Erić, M. Kokkoris, and N. Nešković, Gompertz type dechanneling functions for protons in <100>, <110> and <111> Si crystal channels, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 256, 177 (2007).
9. S. Petrović, D. Borka, and N. Nešković, Rainbows in transmission of high energy protons through carbon nanotubes, European Physical Journal B 44, 41 (2005).
10. S. Petrović, L. Miletić, and N. Nešković, Theory of rainbows in thin crystals: the explanation of ion channeling applied to Ne10+ ions transmitted through a <100> Si thin crystal, Physical Review B 61, 184 (2000).