Ivana Vukanac biography
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phone: +381 11 34 08 531, +381 11 34 08 569 | ||
fax: +381 11 344 01 00 | ||
address: Laboratory for nuclear and plasma physics | ||
Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Vinča" | ||
P.O.Box 522 | ||
11001 Belgrade, Serbia | ||
Personal Information | |||
Name and surname: | Ivana Vukanac | ||
Birth date: | 3.11.1970 | ||
Belgrade, Serbia |
B.Sc. (1995); Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade (YU)
M.Sc. (2002); Experimental Nuclear Physic, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade (YU) Thesis title: Non-nuclear Application of Ionization Chamber
- PhD. (2008) Experimental Nuclear Physic, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade
(1995- ) Research fellow, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Laboratory for Nuclear and Plasma Physics, Belgrade
- Participation in the Project Nuclear Physics, Methods and Instruments (1995- )
- metrology of radionuclides
- γ spectrometry
- α spectrometry
- fluorescent yields
References: dr. Krunoslav Subotić, kruno_AT_vin.bg.ac.rs
- D. Novković, I. Vukanac and Z. Milošević, “ The Mechanism of Detection of Air Pollution by an Ionization Chamber” , Isotopes Environ. Health Stud., 2000, Vol.36, pp. 241 –254
- Vukanac I. , Novković D., Kandić A., Nađđerđ L.,“Determination of impurity content in gold foils”,Radiation Measurements, 39 (2005), 417-420
- Vukanac I. , Paligorić D., Novković D., Djurašević M., Obradović Z., Milošević Z., Manić S., “Retrospective estimation of the concentration of 241Pu in air sampled at Belgrade site following the Chernobyl accident”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 46 (2006), 689-692
- D. Novković, L. Nađđerđ, A. Kandić, I. Vukanac, M. Đurašević, D. Jordanov “Testing the Exponential Decay Law of Gold 198Au” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physical Research A, 566 (2006), 477-480
- Novković D., Kandić A., Đurašević M., Vukanac I., Milošević Z., Nađđerđ L., Coincidence summing of X-ray and γ-rays in γ-ray spectrometry, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 578 (2007), 207-217
- Novković, M. Đurašević, A. Kandić, I. Vukanac, Z. Milošević, L. Nađđerđ, “Coincidence Summing of X- and γ- rays of 133Ba” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physical Research A, 582, iss. 2, (2007), 592-602
- Đurašević M., Kandić A., Novković D., Vukanac I., “ Optimal conditions for a ZnS(Ag) scintillation detector operation ” , Balkan Physics Letters Special Issue, in press, Proceedings of the 4 th International Balkan school on nuclear physics, Bodrum, Turkey, 22-29 September 2004, 217 – 221
- Đurašević M., Vukanac I., Kandić A., Nađđerđ L., Milošević Z., Radenkovi ć M., Determination of the specific alpha activity of thick sources with a large area ZnS(Ag) scintillation detector, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 95 (2007), 75-85
- Radenkovi ć M. B., Kandić A. B., Vukanac I. S., Joksić J. D., Đorđević D.S., Chemical and radiochemical characterization of depleted uranium in contaminated soils, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 81 (2007) 1448-1451
- D. Paligorić, A. Kandić, D. Novković and I. Vukanac, "Absolute Activity Measurement of 198Au and 116In Neutron Activation Detectors", Proceedings of the 4 th International Yugoslav Nuclear Society Conference (YUNSC 2002), Belgrade , Yugoslavia , Sep 30 – Oct 4, 2002,p.p. 457-460
- D. Novković, A. Kandić, V. Ljubenov and I. Vukanac, “Application of Neutron Activation Analysis Technique for Determination of Thermal Neutron Flux”, V General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union , BPU 5, Vrnjačka Banja, Avg 25-29 2003, 2089
- Đurašević M., Kandić A., Novković D., Vukanac I., “ The determination of the optimum counting conditions for a ZnS(Ag) scintillation detector ”, Proceedings of the 5 th International Yugoslav Nuclear Society Conference (YUNSC 2004), Belgrade , September 26-30, 2004, pp.31
- Đurašević M., Kandić A., Vukanac I., Obradović Z., “ Merenje specifične alfa aktivnosti zemlje ” , Zbornik radova: Simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem Životna sredina ka Evropi, Beograd, 5-8 juni 2005., str. 283-286
- Vukanac I., Novković D., Đurašević M., Obradović Z., Kandić A., Concentration of the “ 241 Pu in air samples from Chernobyl at Belgrade site estimated by a 241Am growth method”, Proceedings of the Second European IRPA Congress on Radiation Protection, Paris, France, 15-19 May 2006, (in press) P-222
- Todorović D., Radenković M., Vukanac I., “ GAMMA-RAY SPECTROMETRY OF SOIL AND VEGETATION SAMPLES ORIGINATED FROM SELECTED SITES IN SOUTHERN SERBIA ” Proceedings of the Second European IRPA Congress on Radiation Protection, Paris, France, 15-19 May 2006, (in press) P-218
- M. Radenković, A. Kandić, I. Vukanac, J. Joksić and D. Đorđević “Chemical and Radiochemical Fractionation of Deplated Uranium in Contaminated Soils” Proceedings of the 8 th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Vol II, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2006, September 26-29, Belgrade, Serbia, pp 654-656
- A. Kandić, I. Vukanac, D. Todorović, M. Đurašević, “Determination of the linear attenuation coefficients in the different matrices” Ecologica, No 48, Beograd 2006 (YU ISSN 0354-3285)
- 18. M. Dokić, I. Čubrović and K. Subotić,"Measurements of Parameters of Nuclear Matter",X Yugoslav Symposium on the Nuclear and Particle Physics (YUNFEČ 96), Kopaonik, Sep 23-25. 1996, Contrib. pap., p. 40-44
- I. Čubrović, M. Dokić and K. Subotić,"Measurements of Thermal Properties of Nuclear Matter Using Isomer Beams",XYugoslav Symposium on the Nuclear and Particle Physics(YUNFEČ 96), Kopaonik, Sep 23-25. 1996, Contrib. pap., p. 45-49
- I. Vukanac, "Modeli reakcije fragmentacije projektila", II Seminar mladih istraživača, 14-16 maj 1997, Beograd , Vinča, Izvodi saopštenja, str. 13-14
- I. Vukanac, K. Subotić and M. Dokić, "Projectile Fragmentation Reactions" , XLI ETRAN, Zlatibor, 3-6. juna 1997, Zbornik radova, Sveska IV, str. 332-335
- I. Čubrovic, K. Subotić and V. Utyonkov, " Monte Carlo Simulation of the EVRs Position Spectra and Collection Efficiency of the H2 Dubna Gas Filled Recoil Separator ", Proc YUNFEC, Studenica 1998
- D. Novković, Z. Milošević i I. Vukanac, "Detekcija aero-zagađenja pomoću jonizacione komore sa ugrađenim radioaktivnim izvorom", 1 2 th Jugoslovenska konferencija nuklearne fizike i fizike elementarnih čestica (YUNFEČ 2001), Studenica, 17-19. Septembar 2001, Zbornik radova, str. 287-289
- D. Novković, R. Tasić, I. Vukanac and A. Kandić, "Non-Nuclear application of an Ionization Chamber", Applied Physics in Serbia, Belgrade, 27-29 May 2002, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Scientific Meetings vol. XCVIII, Book 2/1 p.p. 305-308
- I. Vukanac, D. Novković, A. Kandić i L. Nađđerđ, “ Određivanje merne nesigurnosti NaI(Tl) detektora ”, XXII simpozijum Jugoslovenskog dru štva za zaštitu od zračenja, Petrovac, 2003, 111
- Đurašević M., Kandić A., Novković D., Vukanac I., “ Metoda optimizacije uslova merenja scintilacionim ZnS(Ag) detektorom ” , Zbornik radova XI Kongres fizičara SCG, Petrovac n/m, 3-5 jun 2004., str. 8-61 – 8-64
- Todorović D., Kandić A., Vukanac I., “Određivanje linearnog koeficijenta slabljenja u matriksu mineralizovane trave ”, Zbornik radova XI Kongres fizičara SCG, Petrovac n/m, 3-5 jun 2004., str. 8-177 – 8-180
- Đurašević M., Kandić A., Vukanac I., Obradović Z., “Merenje specifične alfa aktivnosti urana u debelim izvorima scintilacionim ZnS(Ag) detektorom ”, Zbornik radova XXIII Simpozijum Društva za zaštitu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Donji Milanovac, 26-28 septembar 2005, str 131-134
- Vukanac I., Novković D., Kandić A., Nađđerđ L., “Međunarodna interkomparacija merenja aktivnosti sedimenta Irskog mora ”, Zbornik radova XXIII Simpozijum Društva za zaštitu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Donji Milanovac, 26-28 septembar 2005, str 135-139
- Milošević M., Obradović Z., Ristić D., Radenković M., Vukanac I., “Standardizacija traserskih rastvora za alfa-spektrometrijsko odredjivanje plutonijuma i uranijuma u uzorcima niskih aktivnosti” Zbornik radova XXIII Simpozijum Društva za zaštitu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Donji Milanovac, 26-28 septembar 2005, str 73-76
- P. Ujić, I. Čeliković, A. Kandić, I. Vukanac, M. Đurašević, A. Demajo, Z. Žunić, „Merenje brzine ekshalacije radona iz građevinskog materijala metodom zatvorene komore“ Zbornik radova XXIV Simpozijum Društva za zaštitu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Zlatibor, 3-5 oktobar 2007., str 99-103
- I. Vukanac, A. Kandić, M. Đurašević, D. Novković, Z. Milošević, „Međunarodne interkomparacije merenja izotopskog sastava urana, plutonijuma i cezijuma u rastvoru azotne kiseline“ Zbornik radova XXIV Simpozijum Društva za zaštitu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Zlatibor, 3-5 oktobar 2007., str 309-312
- D, Novković, M. Đurašević, A. Kandić, I. Vukanac, Z. Milošević, „Coincidence summing effects in gamma-ray spectrometry“ Zbornik radova Fundamentalne interakcije Srbija – 2007, Septembar 26-28, 2007, Iriški Venac, Novi Sad, Srbija
- Kandić A., Vukanac I., Todorović D., “ Determination of the linear attenuation coefficients in the different matrices ” , 14 th International Symposium “Spectroscopy in Theory and Practice”, Nova Gorica , Slovenia , 10-13 April 2005, pp. 87
- Novković D., Nađđerđ L., Kandić A., Vukanac I., The experimental testing of the digital multichannel analyzer 14 th International Symposium “Spectroscopy in Theory and Practice, Nova Gorica , Slovenia , 10-13 April 2005, pp. 88
- I. Vukanac, M. Djura šević, A. Kandić, D. Novković, L. Nadjdjerdj, Z. Milošević, „Experimental Determination of the HPGe Spectrometer Efficiency Curve“ ICRM 2006. 16 th International Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Applications, 03-07 September 2007, Cape Town, South Africa, Book of abstracts, p. 049