Dragan Toprek biography

phone: +381 11 3408 354 ext
fax: +381 11 344 01 00
address: Laboratory for nuclear and plasma physics
  Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Vinča"
  P.O.Box 522
  11001 Belgrade, Serbia
Personal Information  
  Name and surname: Dragan Toprek
  Birth date: November 25, 1962

Place of birth:




Proffesional experience :

MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY/COCKCROFT INSTITUTE , England, from 1 st June 2006. My major work at Cockcroft Institute is design the Beam Delivery System for ILC.

 ACCEL Instruments GmbH , Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, from 1 st February 2005 to 1 st August 2005. My major work at ACCEL was commissioning and optimize proton beam for proton therapy cyclotron (PROSCAN) at Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Switzerland.

GRONINGEN UNIVERSITY – Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut (KVI) , The Netherlands, from 1 st November 2001 to 1 st November 2003. My major work at KVI was to design the low energy beam line from the ion source to the superconducting KVI cyclotron (AGOR).

UPPSALA UNIVERSITY – THE SVEDBERG LABORATORY (TSL) , Sweden, from 16 th March to 31 st August 2001. My major work at TSL was to design the spiral inflector and central region of the TSL cyclotron.

WARSAW UNIVERSITY – HEAVY ION LABORATORY , Poland, from 1 st May to 1 st August 2000. My major work at Warsaw University was to design the spiral inflector and central region of the Warsaw University AVF cyclotron. During my stay at Warsaw University I studied the following subject: 1 – radio frequency system of the University of Warsaw AVF cyclotron.

RIKEN - The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research , Japan , from March 1997 to March 1998. My major work at RIKEN was to modify the design of a spiral inflector and also a central region of the RIKEN AVF cyclotron. During my stay at RIKEN I studied the following subjects:

  1. design of the transport elements from the ECR ion source to the AVF RIKEN cyclotron,
  2. design of the superconducting sector magnet,
  3. design of the injection and extraction system for the superconducting ring cyclotron,
  4. design of the lattice of the storage ring.

 “VINCA” Institute of Nuclear Sciences , My MSc. degree work dealt with the study of the radioactive isotopes produced and stopped in heavy targets bombarded by heavy ions at about 18 MeV/n. MSc. thesis: “Nuclear isomers produced and stopped in a thin 197Au target effected by 74Ge at 18.8 MeV/n”. My Ph.D. degree work dealt with design of the axial injection system with the spiral inflector and design of the central region of the VINCY cyclotron. Ph.D. thesis: “Axial injection and electrodes of the central region of the VINCY cyclotron”.


Research interests :

My main research topics are beam optics and dynamics of the ions in the injection/extraction system and during acceleration. Numerical calculations of charged particle trajectories through electric and magnetic fields are essential for this kind of research.


I have experience with the VMS, UNIX/LINUX operating systems, FORTRAN and C/C++ programming languages and with the following computer codes:

  • MAD, DIMAD, TRANSPORT, GIOS, COSY - programs for tracking charged particles through electric and magnetic fields,
  • GENSPEO – program for the investigation of the characteristics of magnetic field in one plane,
  • CASINO, CYCLONE – programs for numerical calculations of the ion trajectory in a cyclotron.

Language: english

Selected publications

  1. Dragan Toprek, Second Order Theory of Helical Hexapole Lens of Infinite Length, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 263 (2007) 483-487.
  2. Dragan Toprek, Iwo Formanoy, Sytze Brandenburg , Low-Energy Beam Line at KVI, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 558 (2006) 247-248.
  3. Dragan Toprek, Iwo Formanoy, Emittance Measurements of Low-Energy Beam Line at KVI, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 558 (2006) 147-149.
  4. Dragan Toprek, Space-Charge Effects in Twisted Quadrupoles, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 557 (2006) 397-402.
  5. Dragan Toprek, Iwo Formanoy, Sytze Brandenburg , Low Energy Beam Line at the AGOR-facility, Rec. Sci. Instrum. 76 (2005) page 013301.
  6. Dragan Toprek, Comment on: Theory of the Central ion Trajectory in the Spiral Inflector, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 510 (2003) 399-400.
  7. Dragan Toprek, Design of the Central Region in the Gustaf Werner Cyclotron at the Uppsala University , Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 486 (2002) 439-544.
  8. Dragan Toprek, Centering of the Ion Trajectory in the Cyclotron, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 480 (2002) 379-386
  9. Dragan Toprek, Design of the Central Region in the Warsaw K-160 Cyclotron, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 469 (2001) 24 - 28.
  10. Dragan Toprek, Space Charge Effects in the Spiral Inflector, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 453 (2000) 501 - 506.
  11. Dragan Toprek, Theory of the Paraxial ion Trajectory in the Spiral Inflector, Nuclear Instrument and Methods A 449 (2000) 435 - 445.
  12. Dragan Toprek, Theory of the Central ion Trajectory in the Spiral Inflector, Nuclear Instrument and Methods A 440 (2000) 285 - 295.
  13. Dragan Toprek, Krunoslav Subotic, Some Optical Properties of the Spiral Inflector, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 431 (1999) 38 - 45.
  14. Dragan Toprek, Akira Goto, Yasushige Yano, Beam Orbit Simulation in the Central Region of the RIKEN AVF Cyclotron, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 425 (1999) 409 - 414.
  15. Ljiljana Milinkovic, Dragan Toprek, Design of the Central Region for the Axial Injection in the VINCY Cyclotron, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 370 (1996) 287 – 296.



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