Универзитет у Београду
Институт за нуклеарне науке Винча

Лабораторија за атомску физику

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Dr. Ljupčo Hadžievski - Publications


50.  A. Maluckov, Lj. R. Hadžievski, B. Malomed, Fundamental solitons in discrete lattices with a delayed nonlinear response, Chaos, MS #10127R (2010)

49.  G. Gligoric, A. Maluckov, M. Stepic, Lj. R. Hadžievski, B. Malomed, Transition to miscibility in linearly coupled binary dipolar, Bose-Einstein condensates, Phys. Rev. A 82, 033624 (2010)

48.  Lj. R. Hadžievski, G. Gligoric, A. Maluckov, B. Malomed, Interface solitons in one-dimensional locally-coupled lattice systems, Phys. Rev. A 82, 033606 (2010)

47.  G. Gligoric, A. Maluckov, M. Stepic, Lj. R. Hadžievski, B. Malomed, Discrete vortex solitons in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics, B 43 055303 (2010)

46.  G. Gligoric, A. Maluckov, M. Stepic, Lj. R. Hadžievski, B. Malomed, Two-dimensional discrete solitons in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates , Phys. Rev. A 81, 013633 (2010)

45.  I. Radovic, Lj. Hadzievski, N. Bibic, Z.L. Miskovic, Non-linear effects in the forces acting on fast charged particles passing over two-dimensional electron gas, Materials Chemistry and Physics 118, 293–297 (2009)

44. G. Gligoric, A. Maluckov, L. Salasnich, B. A. Malomed and Lj. Hadžievski, Two routes to the one-dimensional discrete nonpolynomial Schrodinger equation, Chaos 19, 043105 (2009)

43.  K.F. Allison, D. Borka, I. Radovic, Lj. Hadžievski, Z.L. Miskovic, Dynamic polarization of graphene by moving external charges: Random phase approximation, Phys. Rev. B 80, 195405 (2009)

42. P. P. Belicev, I. Ilic, V. Milanovic, J. Radovanovic, and Lj. Hadžievski, Tunneling times in metamaterials with saturable nonlinearity, Phys. Rev. A 80, 023821 (2009)

41.  Vosika Z, Przulj Z, Hadžievski L, Ivic Z, Properties of the moving Holstein large polaron in one-dimensional molecular crystals, Journal of Physics - condensed matter, 21, 275404 (2009)

40.  G. Gligoric, A. Maluckov, Lj. R. Hadžievski, B. Malomed, Collapse instability of solitons in the nonpolynomial Schrodinger equation with dipole-dipole interactions, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics, 42, 145302 (2009)

39.  G. Gligoric, A. Maluckov, Lj. R. Hadžievski, B. Malomed, Soliton stability and collapse in the discrete nonpolynomial Schrödinger equation with dipole-dipole interactions, Phys. Rev. A 79, 053609 (2009)

38.  A. Maluckov, Lj. Hadzievski, N. Lazarides, G.P. Tsironis, Extreme events in discrete nonlinear lattices, Phys. Rev. E 79, 025601(R) (2009)

37.  G. Gligoric, A. Maluckov, Lj. R. Hadžievski, B. Malomed, Bright solitons in the one-dimensional discrete Gross-Pitaevskii equation with dipole-dipole interactions, Phys. Rev. A 78 , 063615 (2008)

36.  A. Maluckov, Lj. R. Hadžievski, B. Malomed, L. Salasnich, Solitons in the discrete nonpolynomial Schrödinger equation, Phys. Rev. A 78 , 013616 (2008)

35.  A. Maluckov, Lj. R. Hadžievski, N. Lazarides, G. P. Tsironis, Left-handed metamaterials with saturable nonlinearity, Phys. Rev. E 77 , 046607 (2008)

34. S. V. Dmitriev, A. Khare, P. G. Kevrekidis, A. Saxena, Lj. Hadžievski, High-speed kinks in a generalized discrete f 4 model, Phys. Rev. E 77 , 056603 (2008)

33.  I. Radovi c , Lj. R. Hadžievski, Z. Miskovic, Polarization of supported graphene by slowly moving charges, Phys. Rev. B 77 , 075428 (2008)

32.  A. Maluckov, Lj. R. Hadžievski, B. Malomed, Staggered and moving localized modes in dynamical lattices with the cubic-quintic nonlinearity, Phys. Rev. E 77 , 036604 (2008)

31.  I. Radovi c , Lj. R. Hadžievski, N. Bibic, Z. Miskovic, Dynamic-polarization forces on fast ions and molecules moving over supported graphene, Phys. Rev. A 76 , 042901 (2007)

30.  A. Maluckov, Lj. R. Hadžievski, B. Malomed, Dark solitons in dynamical lattices with the cubic-quintic nonlinearity, Phys. Rev. E 76 , 046605 (2007)

29.  L. Hadžievski, A. Maluckov, and M. Stepic, "Dynamics of dark breathers in lattices with saturable nonlinearity," Opt. Express 15 , 5687-5692 (2007)

28.  M. Stepic, E. Smirnov, C. E. Ruter, D. Kip, A. Maluckov, Lj. Hadžievski, Tamm oscillations in semi-infinite nonlinear waveguide arrays, Optics Letters 32 , No. 7, 823-825 (2007)

27. Maluckov, M. Stepic, D. Kip and Lj. Hadžievski, On symmetric breather collisions in lattices with saturable nonlinearity, Eur. Phys. J. B 53, 333–341 (2006)

26.  Mancic, Lj. Hadžievski and M.M.Škoric, Electromagnetic Solitons in Relativistic Plasmas, Phys. Plasmas, 13, 052309, (2006)

25. M. Stepi c , C. E. Rüter, D. Kip, A. Maluckov , Lj. Hadžievski, Modulational instability in one-dimensional saturable waveguide arrays: comparison with Kerr nonlinearity, Optics Communications 267, 229–235 (2006)

24.  Maluckov , Lj. Hadžievski and M. Stepic, Bifurcation analysis of the localized modes dynamics in lattices with saturable nonlinearity, Physica D 216, 95–102 (2006)

23.  Maluckov, M. Stepic, D. Kip and Lj. Hadžievski, Dynamics of bright discrete staggered solitons in photovoltaic photorefractive media, Eur. Phys. J B 45, 539-546 (2005)

22.  M. Stepic, A. Maluckov, Lj. Hadžievski, F. Chen, D. Runde, D. Kip, Modulation instability on triangular dynamical lattices with long-range interactions and dispersion, Eur. Phys. J B 41, 495-501, 2004

21.  Lj. Hadžievski, A. Maluckov, M. Stepic, D. Kip, Power controlled soliton stability and steering in lattices with saturable nonlinearity, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 033901, 2004

20.  M. Stepic, D. Kip, Lj. Hadžievski, A. Maluckov, One-dimensional bright discrete solitons in media with saturable nonlinearity, Phys. Rev. E 69, 066618-1—7, 2004

19.  Lj. Hadžievski, B. Bojovic, V. Vukcevic, P. Belicev, S. Pavlovic, Z. Vasiljevic-Pokrajcic, M. Ostojic, A novel mobile transtelephonic system with synthesized 12-lead ECG, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine 8, 4, 428- 438, 2004

18.  Lj. Hadžievski, M. Stepic and M. M. Škoric, Modulation instability in two-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger lattice models with dispersion and long-range interactions, Phys. Rev. B. 68, 014305 (2003)

17.  Lj. R. Had ž ievski, M. Jovanovi c , M.M. Škori c , K. Mima, Stability of One-dimensional Electromagnetic Solitons in Relativistic Laser-plasmas, Phys. Plasmas 9, 2569 (2002).

16.  M. Stepic, Lj. Hadžievski, M.M. Škoric, Stability of One-dimensional Array Solitons, Phys. Rev. E, PRE26604 (2002)

15.  Tavakoli, Lj. R. Hadžievski, D. D. Tskhakaya, Rayleigh-Taylor Instability of Magnetized Density Transition Layer, Phys. of Plasmas, Vol. 7 , No. 1, p. 89-93, (2000)

14.  J. Vukanic, Lj. Hadžievski, Reflection Coefficient of Low-energy Ions as an Universal Function of the Scaled Transport Cross-section, Appl. Phys. A 71 , p. 95-99, (2000)

13.  Lj.R. Hadžievski, M.M. Škoric, M. Kono, T. Sato, Simulation of Weak and Strong Langmuir Collapse Regimes, Physics Letters A 248 , 247-251 (1998)

12.  Lj. R. Hadžievski and M. M. Škoric, The Spectral Signatures of a Langmuir Soliton Instability, Physics of Fluids B 5, 2076-2079, 1993

11.  Lj. R. Hadžievski and M. M. Škoric, On Transverse Instability of Large-amplitude Langmuir Solitons, Physics of Fluids B 3, 2452-2454,1991

10.  Lj. R. Hadžievski, M.M. Škoric, A. M. Rubenchik, E. G. Shapiro and S. K. Turitsin, Langmuir Soliton Stability and Collapse in a Weak Magnetic Field, Physical Review A 42, 3561-3570, 1990

9. Belicev, P. P., Ilic, I., Radovanovic, J., Milanovic, V., Hadžievski, Lj, Influence of the Goos–Hänchen Shift on Tunneling Times in Dispersive Nonlinear Media, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A 116, 638-641 (2009)

8. A. Wöllerta, G. Gligoric;, M.M. Škoric, A. Maluckov, N. Raicevic, A. Danicic, Lj. Hadžievski, Modulation Instability of Two-Dimensional Dipolar Bose–Einstein Condensate in a Deep Optical Lattice, PHYSICA POLONICA A 116, 519-521 (2009)

7. Boško Bojovic, Ljupco Hadžievski, Ihor Gussak, Samuel George, Branislav Vajdic, End of T-wave determination by polynomial curve fitting on a vector magnitude lead, J. of Electrocardiology, Volume 42, Issue 6, Page 608 (November 2009)

6. Nenad Sarapa, Ihor Gussak, Branislav Vajdic, Samuel George, Ljupco Hadžievski, Steven F. Francom, Peter Kowey, Comparison of QTinno, a fully automated electrocardiographic analysis program, to semiautomated electrocardiographic analysis methods in a drug safety study in healthy subjects, J. of Electrocardiology, Volume 42, Issue 4, Pages 358-366 (July 2009)

5. Belicev, P. P., Ilic, I., Radovanovic, J., Milanovic, V., Hadzievski, Lj, Time Delay in Thin Dielectric Slabs with Saturable Nonlinearity, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A 115, 834-837 (2009)

4. M.M. Škoric, B.V. Stanic, Lj. Hadžievski and Lj. Nikolic, Reflection of an Electromagnetic Pulse from a Relativistically Moving Plasma, Jornal of Plasma Physics 75, 111-115 (2009)

3. A. Maluckov, M. Stepic and Lj. Hadžievski, On Bright and Dark Breathers in Lattices with Saturable Nonlinearity, Acta Physica Polonica A 112, 903-908, (2007)

2. A. Mancic, Lj. Hadžievski and M.M.Škoric, Interaction of Electromagnetic Solitons in Relativistic Plasmas, J. Plasma Phys. 72, 1309-1313 (2006)

1. Lj. Hadžievski, T. Anovski, D. Kacurkov, B. Minceva, B. Andonovski, Application of Computers in Evaluation the Distribution of Radionuclides Realised into Surface Waters, Acta Physica Hungarica 59, 225-228 (1986)

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