Dr. Igor Ilić - Publications


7. Linear and nonlinear light propagation at the interface of two homogenous waveguide arrays

to be published in Optics Express (2010).

A. Kanshu, C.E. Rüter, D. Kip, P. P. Belicev, I. Ilic, M. Stepic, and V. M. Shandarov

6. Observation of linear and nonlinear strongly localized modes at phase-slip defects in one-dimensional photonic lattices

Optics Letters 35, 3099 (2010).

P. P. Belicev, I. Ilic , M. Stepic, A. Maluckov, Y. Tan, and F. Chen

5 . Tunneling times in metamaterials with saturable nonlinearity

Physical Review A 80, 023821 (2009).

P. P. Belicev , I. Ilic, V. Milanovic, J. Radovanovic , and Lj. Hadžievski

4. Modeling of dwell time and group delay in dispersive and absorptive media

Physica Scripta, T135, 014040 (2009).

 I. Ilic, P. P. Belicev , V. Milanovic, and J. Radovanovic

3. Time delay in thin dielectric slabs with saturable nonlinearity

Acta Physica Polonica A 115, 834 (2009).

P. P. Belicev , I. Ilic, J. Radovanovic , V. Milanovic , and Lj. Hadžievski

2. Influence of the Goos-Haenchen shift on tunneling times in dispersive nonlinear media

Acta Physica Polonica A 116, 638 (2009).

I. Ilic, P. P. Belicev , V. Milanovic, J. Radovanovic , and Lj. Hadžievski

1. Analysis of tunneling times in absorptive and dispersive media
JOSA B 25, 1800 (2008).
I. Ilić, P. P. Beličev, V. Milanović and J. Radovanović


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University of Belgrade
Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences

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